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General Terms and Conditions of Service Provision - Decarbonation Subscription

1. Object

These General Terms and Conditions of Service Provision (hereinafter the "GTCs") aim to define the conditions and terms under which the SARL WEBVERT, with its registered office at 162 allée du manoir – 76160 PREAUX (France), registered with the Rouen Trade and Companies Register under number 899 725 147 (hereinafter referred to as "WEBVERT"), provides decarbonation services (hereinafter the "Services"), of a website ordered by the client (the "Client’s site") for the needs of its professional activity (hereinafter the "Client"). These GTCs, together with the Specific Conditions and other contractually listed documents hereinafter, form a Contract between WEBVERT and the Client (hereinafter individually or collectively referred to as the "Party(ies)").

As part of its duty to inform and advise, WEBVERT has made available to the Client documentation presenting its Services (as defined below) on the website www.lewebvert.fr (hereinafter the "Site"), which the Client acknowledges having read. Prior to accepting the Contract, the Client may request WEBVERT to carry out a free audit to assess its decarbonation potential, request any additional information and/or attend an additional demonstration of the Services, failing which, the Client acknowledges having been sufficiently informed.

Any specifications or requirements document drawn up by the Client will not be taken into account by WEBVERT under the Contract unless expressly validated by WEBVERT before the signing of these GTCs.

2. Contractual Documents

The Client acknowledges and accepts that any order placed with WEBVERT is subject to the application of the following contractual documents, in descending order of priority:

  • the Specific Conditions and any annexes thereto;

  • these GTCs;

  • WEBVERT’s commercial proposal.

In the event of a contradiction or difficulty in interpretation between the various contractual documents, the higher-ranking document shall prevail. Any order is deemed to have been placed with full knowledge of the GTCs applicable at the time of the order and constitutes express and unconditional acceptance of these by the Client.

The Client’s general terms and conditions of purchase are expressly excluded from the contractual scope between WEBVERT and the Client, unless formally and in writing accepted by WEBVERT.

WEBVERT reserves the right to modify its GTCs at any time, which will be updated and directly accessible on the Site. The Client is therefore invited to regularly visit the Site to consult the updated version of the GTCs. In the event of a modification, the applicable GTCs are those in force at the time of placing the order. In the event of modifications during a period (initial or renewal), the old GTCs remain in force until the next period. Thus, the Client who has subscribed to a renewable subscription by tacit renewal will automatically be subject to the new GTCs in force at the time of the renewal of its subscription.

3. Definitions

Terms beginning with a capital letter in the Contract, whether used in the singular or plural, shall have the meaning given to them below.

Data: refers to all information, content, and data of the Client of any nature, accessible via the Client’s Site.

Personal Data: refers to data which, within the meaning of the applicable personal data protection regulations, allows the direct or indirect identification of a natural or legal person.

Services: refers to the decarbonation services of the Client’s Site offered by WEBVERT including optimization, resizing, and format changing of images and videos, server reconfiguration, and occasionally the revision of HTML, CSS, and javascript code of the Client’s Site. WEBVERT may intervene on the structure of the Client’s site and on all its content, but WEBVERT does not intervene on the architecture of the Client’s site or its hosting.

Referrer: a person designated by the Client to WEBVERT as a referrer by reason of their skills, experience, and availability, to monitor the Services provided by WEBVERT. This person will be vested with the necessary powers to act and decide on behalf of the Client, for all technical and operational questions related to the execution of the Contract. The Referrer is designated in the Specific Conditions or, failing that, will be the first user registered on the Site portal in the Client’s personalized space. In the event of a change of Referrer or unavailability due to illness, leave, temporary incapacity, the Client undertakes to inform WEBVERT immediately and to designate, as soon as possible, the replacement(s) with profiles, skills, qualities, and availability equivalent. The replacement must also have all the information required under the Contract, in order to effectively and operationally replace their predecessor, with the understanding that the Client will bear the recovery and transfer of information.

4. Duration

4.1 Option 1

The Contract takes effect on the date of its signature by both Parties and remains in force for an indefinite period after an initial period of 6 months. At the end of this initial period, the Contract continues until one Party terminates the Contract by email (to the address contact@lewebvert.fr or to the address mail of the Referrer, depending on which Party initiates the termination) or by an intervention on the internet portal to that effect, the contract ending on the last day of the following month.

4.2 Option 2

Alternatively, the Client may opt for a fixed-term contract of twelve months, payable in full in advance, with a 10% price reduction. At the end of this initial period, the Contract is renewed for successive periods of twelve months by tacit renewal at the rate communicated by WEBVERT at least two months before the end of the current period, unless terminated by either Party at least two months before the end of the current period, by email (to the address contact@lewebvert.fr or to the address mail of the Referrer, depending on which Party initiates the termination) or by an intervention on the internet portal to that effect.

Consequently, the Client acknowledges and accepts that in the event of early termination of the Contract or non-compliance with the termination terms, they will be liable to WEBVERT for an early termination fee of 100% of the total amount that WEBVERT would have received if the Contract had continued until its term.

4.3 Termination

Any termination request from the Client will be confirmed by an email from WEBVERT. The termination will only be effective from the anniversary date of the Contract.

4.4 Data Deletion

When the Contract ends, WEBVERT undertakes to destroy all Data saved in the provision of the Services within a maximum period of three months, unless requested by the Client by mail or email within 30 days following the end of the subscription. The destruction of the Data will cancel any possibility, in the event of resuming the Service, of accessing these same Data again.

5. Obligations of WEBVERT

5.1. Service Terms

WEBVERT performs the Services each month and provides a monthly summary of decarbonation actions accessible on the Site portal in the Client’s personalized space or in the form of a PDF file sent by email to the Client.

As part of the Services, WEBVERT will back up the contents within its scope of intervention and the Client’s server configurations before making any modifications. As part of its duty to advise, WEBVERT will notify the Client, if applicable, of any malfunctions that WEBVERT may have detected on the Client’s Site. It is the Client’s responsibility, not WEBVERT’s, to remedy these malfunctions.

In the event that decarbonation cannot be generated, WEBVERT will explain the reasons to the Client. This will be the case, for example, if it is impossible to modify a setting or for any other technical impossibility due to the CMS (or the Client’s Site hosting conditions) or organizational blockage. In this case, the Client may terminate the Contract after sending a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to WEBVERT, with the understanding that the Client must have paid a minimum of 3 monthly installments without being bound by the initial 6-month duration if they chose Option 1.

5.2 Data Storage

WEBVERT will back up the contents within its scope of intervention and the Client’s server configurations for a period of one year. By default, the identifiers provided by the Client to WEBVERT in accordance with Article 6.2 (i) below will be retained for a period of 6 months after the end of the Contract. WEBVERT will immediately delete them after the end of the Contract if the Client expressly requests it.

However, the Client is expressly warned that the storage of Data and the temporary backup of Data offered as standard by WEBVERT does not exempt the Client from regularly backing up their Data, either locally or externally.

In any case, all operations aimed at restoring or recovering lost or damaged Data are subject to additional charges.

5.3 WEBVERT’s Liability

WEBVERT undertakes to exercise all due care and diligence required of an IT service provider in the execution of this Contract. Subject to the Client’s compliance with its obligations, particularly in providing WEBVERT with information and resources in a timely manner under this Contract, WEBVERT is subject to an obligation of means. WEBVERT cannot be held responsible for network line interruptions. It particularly draws the Client’s attention to the importance of choosing the operator and telecommunication product.

Under no circumstances shall WEBVERT be liable for unforeseeable losses or damages to the Client or third parties, including but not limited to any lost profits, loss, inaccuracy, or corruption of files or Data, business loss, loss of turnover or profit, loss of customers, loss of opportunity, cost of obtaining a substitute product, service, or technology, arising from or related to the non-performance or faulty performance of the services unless there is intentional misconduct by WEBVERT and/or one of its employees.

WEBVERT disclaims all liability for any harm that may be caused, directly or indirectly, to the Client or third parties, by incorrect, partial, or incomplete content (data, images, videos) of the Client’s Site. In any case, the amount of WEBVERT’s liability is strictly limited to the amount actually paid by the Client as of the occurrence of the liability event.

5.4 Service Interruption

WEBVERT is not responsible for interruptions and access disruptions to the Services that are not due to its own actions and that are notably related to a third party or the technical operators with whom it collaborates, or to electronic or hardware issues (Example: fraudulent intrusion, network malfunction, malfunction related to the third-party software service provider, modification of the third-party software service provider’s API, etc.).

5.5 Security and Cybercrime

WEBVERT only ensures the implementation of recognized best practices in this field. Despite the technical measures in place, WEBVERT cannot guarantee that it can withstand all intrusion attempts, virus transmissions, Trojans, logic bombs, and, more generally, any hacking activity. The Client must take all appropriate measures to protect their own Data, their Client Site, their software, their network identification elements, and their IT equipment.

6. Client Obligations

In addition to the payment of the agreed price, the Client acknowledges that the provision of Services and the proper execution of the Contract by WEBVERT are subject to compliance with its own obligations as outlined below. Therefore, WEBVERT’s liability cannot be engaged in the event of the Client’s failure to meet its own commitments.

6.1 Declaration

The Client declares to be well aware of the internet, its characteristics, and limitations, and notably acknowledges:

  • that data transmissions over the Internet only have relative technical reliability, as they circulate on heterogeneous networks with various technical characteristics and capacities that are sometimes saturated at certain times of the day;

  • that data circulating on the internet are not protected against possible diversions, and thus the communication of passwords, confidential codes, and more generally any sensitive information is done by the Client at their own risk;

  • that WEBVERT does not guarantee the total protection of data circulating on the internet and cannot be held responsible for problems related to hosting, data transmission reliability, access times, Client Site loading speed, or a payment failure by credit card, bank transfer, or check for an e-commerce site.

Furthermore, the modification of the resolution of graphic elements carried out as part of the Services will take into account the destination of these elements, namely for use on a computer screen. The resolution will necessarily be lower than that used in print editions, which the Client acknowledges and accepts. As a result, the modified elements may not, in some cases, be reused or adapted for print media.

6.2 Collaboration and Monitoring Duty

The Client undertakes to actively and regularly collaborate throughout the Contract, in particular by:

(i) Providing WEBVERT with:

  • administrative access to the Client Site (e.g., wp-admin access), with approximately 10% of the Services being carried out through this access;

  • FTP or SFTP access to the files of the Client Site (or equivalent), with approximately 90% of the Services being carried out through this access.

Access can be provided via a VPN provided that this VPN is compatible with Linux and can be launched from the command line. Depending on its security policy, the Client will issue, at the beginning of the contract, an authorization by IP or browser identifier to allow WEBVERT’s analyzer (bot) to analyze the Client Site, which will take place:

  • as part of the preliminary audit;

  • then at least twice a month during the Contract duration.

(ii) Providing WEBVERT with any other element, information, and/or document requested by WEBVERT to address anomalies in the Services;

(iii) Designating a dedicated and competent contact person, referred to as the Referrer, to be the single point of contact with WEBVERT throughout the Contract duration;

(iv) Safeguarding against any damage that may affect the Data, files, software, hardware, and all documents provided by the Client for the Contract’s needs;

(v) Informing WEBVERT of any changes regarding its situation (contact email address, etc.). It is the Client’s responsibility to take all measures to ensure the preservation of a copy of the Data on its own servers. WEBVERT cannot be held responsible in case of loss of Data stored by it.

6.3 Data Responsibility

Without prejudice to its obligations as a Data Controller in cases where its Data are Personal Data, the Client controls, before any analysis, guarantees, and is solely responsible for the accuracy, quality, integrity, legality, reliability, and relevance of all its Data.

The Client declares and attests to holding the necessary intellectual property rights over the elements provided to WEBVERT for the provision of its Services and indemnifies WEBVERT against any third-party actions related to the provided elements and Data, with only the Client’s liability being sought in this regard.

The Client also undertakes that its Data:

  • Do not constitute data violating applicable regulations and laws and/or contrary to good morals;

  • Do not constitute obscene, threatening, defamatory, harmful to the protection of minors, or generally inciting racial hatred, nor do they constitute unlawful information or content of any kind;

  • Do not constitute infringement or do not infringe on the rights of third parties;

  • Do not contain any viruses, Trojans, or any other harmful or potentially disruptive computer codes, files, scripts, or programs.

The Client indemnifies WEBVERT and holds it harmless from all consequences related to the non-compliance with this article.

6.4 Client Default

In case of failure to comply with the above obligations not attributable to WEBVERT and excluding force majeure cases, including the provision of access and analysis, unavailability of the Client Site, organizational blockage, technical impossibility arising from the CMS or hosting, the Client will be liable to WEBVERT.

The Client must settle the agreed price even if WEBVERT is prevented from providing the Services, in whole or in part.

7. Financial Conditions

7.1 Price

The price of the Services is agreed between the Parties in the Specific Conditions. It is set according to the volume of pages of the Client Site, according to the following scale:

Product Code Description Price excl. VAT


Site of 25 pages or less

39 €/month


Site from 26 to 100 pages

79 €/month


Site from 101 to 500 pages

149 €/month


Site from 501 to 1000 pages

199 €/month


Site from 1001 to 5000 pages

499 €/month


Site of 5000 pages or more


A 10% discount is granted in case of annual commitment by the Client (if annual payment at the beginning of the period).

In case of exceeding the number of pages during the month or contractual period, WEBVERT will invoice any change in bracket as a monthly adjustment. In the case of an annual contract, an amendment will be concluded between the Parties to take into account the change that occurred.

Any additional service will be the subject of a quote submitted for acceptance by the Client.

All prices are exclusive of taxes, travel and accommodation expenses, unspecified miscellaneous supplies under the Contract, VAT at the prevailing rate in addition.

7.2 Invoicing and Payment Terms

The payment of the price of the Services by SEPA direct debit or credit card for the duration option provided for in Article 4.1 or by bank transfer for the duration option provided for in Article 4.2 as agreed in the Specific Conditions, regardless of the actual use made of the Services by the Client.

For the Contract with the duration option provided for in Article 4.1, the Client will receive from WEBVERT at the beginning of the month, by email, a monthly invoice corresponding to the price of their subscription for the month. The monthly invoice will be settled by automatic debit.

For the Contract with the duration option provided for in Article 4.2, the Client will receive from WEBVERT, at the beginning of the contract, by email, an annual invoice corresponding to the price of their subscription. Payment of the invoice must be made within thirty (30) days following the date of the invoice, without discount.

The Client expressly accepts electronic invoicing. WEBVERT’s electronic invoices are sent to the Client in PDF format.

7.3 Revision

WEBVERT may modify the prices during the execution of the Contract. It undertakes to notify the Client in writing of the revision of the pricing conditions with a minimum notice period of four (4) months before the effective date. In the case of Option 1, the modification will take place 4 months later. In the case of Option 2, the modification will take place during the contractual period following the one during which the notification was made.

7.4 Non-Payment

Without prejudice to any damages, the Client’s failure to pay an invoice by its due date automatically results in:

  • the application of penalties equal to the interest rate applied by the European Central Bank to its most recent refinancing operation, increased by ten (10) percentage points, on the unpaid periods, calculated monthly, from the first day of delay;

  • the application of a fixed recovery indemnity of forty (40) euros per unpaid invoice, according to the conditions set by the current provisions of the Commercial Code, unless higher costs are justified, requiring additional compensation, such as reimbursement of additional bank and management fees (follow-up of recovery, letters and telephone reminder costs, representation of bank direct debit rejections);

  • the suspension of Services 8 days after WEBVERT sends a formal notice by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt that remains unsuccessful;

  • the automatic termination of the contract 30 days after WEBVERT sends a second formal notice by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt that remains unsuccessful, in accordance with Article 8.2 below. == 8. Suspension - Resolution It is understood that all sums invoiced by WEBVERT are due, notwithstanding the termination, resolution, suspension of the Contract and the Services. Furthermore, the termination or suspension of the Contract does not entitle to any refund from WEBVERT.

8.1 Suspension of Services

WEBVERT reserves the right to suspend all or part of the Services, suspension which will be notified to the Client by any means:

  • in case of total or partial non-performance of the Client’s obligations, in particular its payment obligation, within 8 (eight) days following the date of said notification constituting formal notice;

  • in case of non-compliance with the Contract by the Client, likely to compromise the provision of the Services, in particular the communication of the access required in article 6.2(i) above. The payment for the Services remains due during the period of suspension or limitation of all or part of the Services. For these same reasons, WEBVERT may also terminate or automatically terminate the Contract.

8.2 Termination of the Contract

Each Party may terminate the contract in the event of a serious or repeated breach by its co-contractor of its essential obligations. It is expressly understood that this termination will take place automatically 30 days after the first presentation of a formal notice to perform, which remained, in whole or in part, without effect. The formal notice may be notified by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt or any extrajudicial act. This formal notice must mention the intention to apply this clause. WEBVERT will cease to use any access code to the Client Site.

8.3 Early Termination Indemnity

Any termination for convenience by the Client before the contractual term will result in the payment of the indemnity provided for in Article 4 "duration".

9. Intellectual Property Rights

All rights not expressly assigned or granted by the Contract remain the full and entire property of each Party. In this respect, the names and trademarks of WEBVERT, as well as all figurative or non-figurative trademarks, illustrations, images, and logos, whether registered or not, are and will remain the property of WEBVERT.

Any total or partial reproduction, modification, or use of these elements, for any reason and on any medium, without the express and prior agreement of WEBVERT, is strictly prohibited and constitutes an act of counterfeiting and/or unfair competition or parasitism.

The same applies to any copyright, design, model, and patent.

The methodology implemented by WEBVERT being developed internally, it is, as such, protected by intellectual property rights. The Data and files that are "decarbonized" by WEBVERT remain the exclusive property of the Client.

WEBVERT undertakes never to disclose personal information about the Client’s Data.

10. Confidentiality

The "Confidential Information" refers to any information, data, or document of any kind, communicated in writing by the disclosing Party to the receiving Party during the execution of the Contract. The Confidential Information may include, without limitation, technical, commercial, strategic, or financial information, formulas, samples, specifications, designs, software, models, reports, descriptions, studies, analyses, or compilations. The derived information created by the receiving Party from the Confidential Information is also considered Confidential Information. This may include, without limitation, translations, adaptations, or arrangements of the Confidential Information, or reports, tests, or evaluation results.

The receiving Party undertakes to treat all Confidential Information in a secret and confidential manner. Consequently, it undertakes to:

  • not disclose, directly or indirectly, to any third party any Confidential Information, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the disclosing Party;

  • only communicate the Confidential Information to its employees, subcontractors, and suppliers who need to know it for the execution of the Contract;

  • not use the Confidential Information for purposes other than the execution of the Contract;

  • establish appropriate retention measures in view of the nature of the Confidential Information.

These confidentiality obligations do not prevent the receiving Party from copying or reproducing all or part of the Confidential Information, provided that these actions are necessary for the implementation of the Contract.

The restrictions on the use and disclosure of Confidential Information will not apply to information:

  • that has become public domain;

  • that was known to the receiving Party before its communication by the disclosing Party;

  • that the receiving Party has acquired independently from a source with the legitimate right to disclose it;

  • that is the result of internal developments of the receiving Party carried out by employees who have not had access to the Confidential Information; or

  • whose disclosure is required by law or by a competent judicial or administrative authority, or is necessary for the purposes of legal action and/or judicial proceedings.

The receiving Party undertakes to return or destroy, at the first request of the disclosing Party and at any time, the Confidential Information and any copies thereof, except for items retained in compliance with a legal obligation, such as an archiving obligation.

All Confidential Information remains the property of the disclosing Party. No provision of the Contract may be interpreted as obliging the Parties to disclose information in their possession. No provision of the Contract may be interpreted as granting or conferring on the receiving Party, directly or indirectly, explicitly or implicitly, by license or any other means, a right over the Confidential Information, or over information derived from the Confidential Information. In particular, the receiving Party is prohibited from filing, directly or indirectly, in its own name or on behalf of third parties, a patent or trademark application, or claiming any other intellectual property right protecting or mentioning the Confidential Information of the disclosing Party.

The Parties undertake to respect the obligations arising from this article throughout the duration of the Contract as well as for five (5) years from its termination. == 11. Force majeure No Party shall be held responsible for any failure to fulfill its obligations under the Contract, if such failure results from a force majeure event such as: a government decision, including any withdrawal or suspension of authorizations of any kind, a total or partial strike, internal or external to the company, a fire, a natural disaster, an epidemic, a state of war, a total or partial interruption or blocking of telecommunications or electrical networks, an act of computer hacking or more generally any other force majeure event presenting the characteristics defined by case law.

The Party noting the event must immediately inform the other party of its inability to perform its service. The suspension of obligations or the delay caused by such force majeure event shall in no case be a cause of liability for non-performance of the obligation in question, nor give rise to the payment of damages or penalties for delay.

12. Insurance

WEBVERT declares that it is insured for its professional liability with a notably solvent company for all material damages resulting from the performance of the Services by its staff. WEBVERT undertakes to maintain these guarantees throughout the duration of the Contract and to provide proof of this upon request by the Client.

13. Mutual Independence

The Parties declare and acknowledge that they are and will remain throughout the duration of the Contract independent professionals and that this Contract cannot confer on either Party the status of partner, employer, employee, agent, or representative of its contracting party, nor the power to bind the other Party in any way, each Party assuming alone the risks of its own operation. The same applies to the expenses incurred by each Party related to its activity.

14. Protection et gestion des Données Personnelles

14.1 Protection et gestion des Données Personnelles du Client

Les Données Personnelles collectées lors de la passation du Contrat et ultérieurement font l’objet de traitements informatisés.

En application de la loi 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978, modifiée par la loi n°2018-493 du 20 juin 2018, et du RGPD (règlement général sur la protection des données) entré en vigueur le 25 mai 2018, il est rappelé que les données nominatives demandées au Client (principalement ses nom, prénom, adresse postale et e-mail) sont nécessaires au traitement de sa demande, à l’établissement du Contrat et des factures, notamment. Si ces informations obligatoires ne sont pas communiquées, WEBVERT ne sera pas en mesure de répondre aux demandes des Clients.

Ces données peuvent être communiquées aux éventuels partenaires de WEBVERT chargés de l’exécution, du traitement, de la gestion et du paiement des Services.

Ces informations et données sont également conservées à des fins de sécurité, afin de respecter les obligations légales et règlementaires. Le traitement des informations communiquées par l’intermédiaire du Site répond aux exigences légales en matière de protection des Données Personnelles, le système d’information utilisé assurant une protection optimale de ces données.

Dans la limité précitée, le Client dispose d’un droit d’accès, de rectification, d’opposition, d’effacement et de portabilité de l’ensemble de ses Données Personnelles. Pour exercer ces droits, le Client peut, soit envoyer un e-mail à contact@lewebvert.fr, soit adresser un courrier à l’adresse : WEBVERT 162 allée du manoir – 76160 PREAUX (France), en indiquant son nom, prénom, e-mail, adresse et si possible sa référence client. Conformément à la réglementation en vigueur, la demande du Client doit être signée et accompagnée de la photocopie d’un titre d’identité portant sa signature et préciser l’adresse à laquelle la réponse doit parvenir.

14.2 Protection and Management of Personal Data on the Client Site

As part of the Contract, WEBVERT may have access to information constituting Personal Data and acknowledges acting as a "processor" within the meaning of the GDPR. The Client remains the "Data Controller" within the meaning of the GDPR and acknowledges assuming the responsibilities thereof.

WEBVERT commits to maintaining a transparent relationship with the Client. As a processor, WEBVERT commits to:

  • an obligation of means reinforced in terms of technical and organizational means;

  • inform the data controller of subcontractors who have access to Personal Data that they may be required to recruit or modify;

  • only process Personal Data on documented and written instructions from the data controller;

  • ensure that Personal Data is only accessible to authorized persons who commit to respecting the confidentiality of this data;

  • take all possible measures to ensure the security of Personal Data;

  • make every effort to assist the data controller in meeting their own obligations;

  • inform the data controller of any legally binding requests for disclosure of Personal Data by a public authority or a third party in accordance with applicable legal or regulatory provisions or a court decision.

15. Commercial Reference

The Client authorizes WEBVERT to mention its name (and/or use its logo) in its reference lists and technical and commercial proposals, communications to its staff, internal management documents, annual report to shareholders, and other legal and regulatory obligations, as well as in any advertising projects, press articles, or other communications related to the Contract for promotional purposes (website, commercial brochure, etc.) exclusively during the term of the Contract.

16. Assignment – Transfer – Subcontracting

The Contract may not be subject to total or partial assignment, for consideration or free of charge, by the Client without the prior express written authorization of WEBVERT.

WEBVERT reserves the right to engage any subcontractor of its choice, within the conditions and limits possibly imposed by the regulations on Personal Data protection. In this regard, the Client authorizes WEBVERT to subcontract all or part of the Contract execution to any subsidiary.

WEBVERT also reserves the right to assign this Contract without formalities, provided that the Client is informed in advance.

The assignee entity will be substituted for WEBVERT, effective from the date of assignment. The assignee entity will become the co-contractor of the Client, which the Client acknowledges and accepts; the assignee undertakes to fully assume the rights and obligations arising from this Contract.

WEBVERT reserves the right to transfer the benefits and obligations of this Contract to any company or organization of its choice at any time without being required to inform the Client, while ensuring compliance with the current legislation and ensuring the continuity of the Contract described herein.

17. Proof Convention

The Parties acknowledge the validity and probative force of emails, SMS, notifications made by the Parties, and documents exchanged between them via the Site portal.

In case of contradiction, only the elements established and/or retained by WEBVERT will prevail over those produced by the Client.

18. Final Clauses

18.1 Communication between the Parties

The Parties agree that any communication between them will be carried out electronically, either through the Site or through the email address: contact@lewebvert.fr. Any notification, information, invoice sending, or alert from WEBVERT will be sent to the email address provided on the Client’s account. In case of a change in the contact person or their email details, the Client must inform WEBVERT immediately. Otherwise, WEBVERT cannot be held responsible for the Client not receiving emails sent by them.

18.2 Non-waiver

The fact that a Party does not invoke any provision of the Contract at a given time cannot be interpreted as a waiver of the right to invoke any of these conditions at a later time.

18.3 Prescription

WEBVERT’s liability cannot be engaged beyond a conventional prescription period of 2 (two) years from the proven occurrence of the damage exclusively attributable to them.

18.4 Partial Nullity

The possible cancellation of one of the clauses or paragraphs in these CGPS or in other contractual documents, notably by a court decision, shall not affect the other provisions which will continue to have full effect. However, the Parties may, by mutual agreement, agree to replace the invalidated stipulations.

18.5 Language

In case of translation of these CGPS and the Contract, only the French version shall prevail between the Parties, which the Client expressly acknowledges and accepts, regardless of their nationality.

18.6 Entirety of the Contract

The Parties acknowledge that the Contract and all its appendices and/or amendments, if any, as well as all other terms and conditions incorporated by reference herein, constitute the entirety of the agreements between them relating to the subject matter of the contract and supersede all previous commitments, verbal and/or written, between the Parties, relating to the subject matter hereof.

18.7 Applicable Law

The Contract is subject to French law, to the exclusion of any other legislation, with the provisions of articles 1220 to 1223 of the French Civil Code being excluded.

18.8 Disputes – Territorial Jurisdiction Clause

In order to find a solution to any dispute arising in the execution of the Contract, the Parties agree to meet within 15 days from the receipt of a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt notified by one of the two Parties. If, after a further period of fifteen days, the Parties fail to reach an agreement on a compromise or solution, the dispute shall then be submitted to the competent courts of Rouen. V. 03.05.2023