The Webvert Team

A team dedicated and committed to its clients and the environment.

Delphin Batantou
Currently undergoing a successful career transition to become a developer, Delphin is possibly the world's first website decarbonizer with over 50 WordPress sites to his credit.

Jonathan Germond
Co-Founder, meticulous and committed developer. He always stays up-to-date with the latest technologies. He is the pillar that keeps the technical side of Webvert running behind the scenes.

Noah Sturtzer
Noah is a freelancer at his company Seosaurus, handling our content, social media, and a significant portion of the blog.

Youen Chéné
Co-Founder, in charge of commercial development at Webvert. Passionate about computing and programming since elementary school, he is and has been involved in associations focused on sharing and technology: Boavizta, Tech.Rocks, Rouen French Tech, Devoxx 4 Kids, and Codeurs en Seine. Now in his forties, he combines his parents' ecological roots with technology.
Our Alumni
Eva Giffard, former Commercial Intern.