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Frequently Asked Questions / FAQ

Foreword In our manifesto, we talk about transparency. After commitments and words, here are the actions. On this page, you will find answers to your frequently asked questions, especially on the measurement/evaluation part. How is the CO2 equivalent calculated for a content website? Preliminary note We are not a carbon impact audit and evaluation company (the thermometers). However, we need measurements to be able to improve the web and reduce the impact of content websites.

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The Webvert Team

A team dedicated and committed to its clients and the environment. Delphin Batantou Currently undergoing a successful career transition to become a developer, Delphin is possibly the world's first website decarbonizer with over 50 WordPress sites to his credit. Jonathan Germond Co-Founder, meticulous and committed developer. He always stays up-to-date with the latest technologies. He is the pillar that keeps the technical side of Webvert running behind the scenes. Noah Sturtzer Noah is a freelancer at his company Seosaurus, handling our content, social media, and a significant portion of the blog.

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Our Manifesto

Stop invisible web pollution! Websites are getting larger, directly impacting our planet. Worse, about 30% of the bandwidth of the sites we analyzed It's pure and simple waste. Our job is to eliminate this waste and make your sites more efficient, faster, and less harmful on the planet. High-performance websites for everyone! Websites often look good but perform poorly on tools like Google Page Speed. This affects their commercial performance and search rankings (SEO).

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The Partners

Go further with our partners To reduce the impact of digital technology, collective action is necessary. Our Gold Partners We work with them frequently in a professional or associative manner. Sopht You want to have a comprehensive view of the environmental impact of your information system: Devices, On-Premise Infrastructure, and Cloud. With Sopht, you can trigger a GreenOps and Finops approach within your teams. Bonus: Webvert's diagnostic and decarbonation data can be viewed in your Sopht account.

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